Assassins Creed Revelations Cheat Code This is somewhat different from the developer guidelines discussed earlier, which are more social than technical. Developer guidelines tell programmers how to get along with each other; developer documentation tells them how to get along with the code itself. The two are often packaged together in one document for convenience as with the hacking html example given earlier, but they don't have to be. Although developer documentation can be very helpful,
Assassins Creed Revelations Cheat Code there's no reason to delay a release to do it. As long as the original authors are available and willing to
Afterfall InSanity Cheat Code about the code, that's enough to start with. In fact, having to answer the same questions over and over is a common motivation for writing documentation. But even before it's written, determined contributors will still manage to find their way around the code.
Assassins Creed Revelations Cheat Code The force that drives people to spend time learning a code base is that the code does something useful for them.